Thursday, April 16, 2009

Knowing and Believing

Knowing and believing are completely different from each other. Knowing is what society pushes on you. You can only know facts. Everyone can know the same things. Believing is something you do on your own. You feel your beliefs like they are a part of you. They help form the person that you are. You have to be strongly connected to yourself to know what you believe. Belief is usually connected with faith and religion, but when I think of a belief, I have no connection to religion. I am not a religious person. Faith doesn't have to have anything to do with religion. You can have faith in people. That's where most of my faith lies. Knowledge is something you get from school or books. The things that you have learned have been proven. Belief in God is not something you can prove. No one has ever been able to prove that there is a God, so God can never be part of anyone's knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in that knowing and believing can be completely different. I think that this is a hard to narrow down and define these terms because the concept of what actually is knowledge and what is belief are debatable.
