When I first finished reading "Translations," I didn't fully understand what happened to Captain Lancey. I thought that Manus may have seen Lancey and Maire kissing and he got mad. I thought that Manus might have killed him, but after class today I started thinking that maybe the Donnelly twins did something to him. They have more of a character for mischief than Manus does. Maybe Manus told them about what he saw and they decided to do something about it. There is no evidence as to what actually happened to Captain Lancey, but for some reason I think that someone killed him. The play ended when the English threatened to kill the Irish if Lancey was not found. It seems like the military have had more to do in Ireland than to just rename the country. They had ulterior motives.
And what was with that poem at the end? I looked it up and it's called "The Aeneid," written by a man called Virgil. It's an epic poem that tells the story of a Trojan that traveled to Italy and eventually became an ancestor to the Romans. The second half of the poems are like Homer's Iliad.
"Urbs antiqua fuit - there was an ancient city which, 'tis said, Juno loved above all the lands. And it was the goddess's aim and cherished hope that here should be the capital of all nations-should the fates perchance allow that. Yet in truth she discovered that a race was springing from Trojan blood to overthrow some day these Tyrian towers - a people late regem belloque superbum - kings of broad realms and proud in war who would come forth for Libya's downfall."
If you read between the lines, you can see similarities between the poem and the play. It's like Libya is Ireland and the Trojans are the English.
For more information go to: http://www.book-of-thoth.com/thebook/index.php/Aeneid
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I decided to look up information on the Taiga tribe. I found out that it is not an actual Indian Tribe. Taiga is the Russian word for forest. The average temperature is below zero for most of the year. It is located in Northern Europe and North America. There are lots of pine trees and lots of bugs in the summer. You can find bears, wolverines, badgers, deer, wolves, scorpions, weasels, muskrats, and oxen in the Taiga wilderness. I promise to come back later and write some more about Taiga in the near future.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Knowing and Believing
Knowing and believing are completely different from each other. Knowing is what society pushes on you. You can only know facts. Everyone can know the same things. Believing is something you do on your own. You feel your beliefs like they are a part of you. They help form the person that you are. You have to be strongly connected to yourself to know what you believe. Belief is usually connected with faith and religion, but when I think of a belief, I have no connection to religion. I am not a religious person. Faith doesn't have to have anything to do with religion. You can have faith in people. That's where most of my faith lies. Knowledge is something you get from school or books. The things that you have learned have been proven. Belief in God is not something you can prove. No one has ever been able to prove that there is a God, so God can never be part of anyone's knowledge.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
My Name
My name is Susan Amelia. I am named after my grandma and her aunt. Susan is my grandma's name. When I hear Susan, I think of an old woman. My grandma is a strong, intelligent woman. I don't mind being named Susan because I am reminded of her everyday. We both tell it like it is. We are kind and generous.
Amelia is the name of my great great aunt. She goes by Babe. She has been called hat since she was 9. That was when her younger sister was born. She was always the baby. She is a sweet woman that is also intelligent and strong. She is steadfast too. She was named after her aunt Amelia because she was born on her birthday.
I do think that you are named a certain name for a reason. You also become your name. I didn't like being called Susan. I have grown used to it, but I still prefer Suzy. I used to spell it Susie, but I realized that my mom spelled it Suzy, so I changed it. I am very glad that I was not named after my own mother because I do not want to be like her. We have a lot of unresolved issues that I don't want to go into.
Your name says a lot about you. The way in which you take ownership of your name and live your day to day life says a lot about your character. I never want to change my name. I AM Susan Amelia.
Susan: Hebrew for lily
Amelia: Hebrew for Work of the Lord; Germanic for work; effort; strain
Amelia is the name of my great great aunt. She goes by Babe. She has been called hat since she was 9. That was when her younger sister was born. She was always the baby. She is a sweet woman that is also intelligent and strong. She is steadfast too. She was named after her aunt Amelia because she was born on her birthday.
I do think that you are named a certain name for a reason. You also become your name. I didn't like being called Susan. I have grown used to it, but I still prefer Suzy. I used to spell it Susie, but I realized that my mom spelled it Suzy, so I changed it. I am very glad that I was not named after my own mother because I do not want to be like her. We have a lot of unresolved issues that I don't want to go into.
Your name says a lot about you. The way in which you take ownership of your name and live your day to day life says a lot about your character. I never want to change my name. I AM Susan Amelia.
Susan: Hebrew for lily
Amelia: Hebrew for Work of the Lord; Germanic for work; effort; strain
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Book Cover

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Is all writing an interpretation of the human experience?
Yes. No matter what is written, someone out there has experienced it. The context that it is put in is how it's interpreted. You can't write about something that no one has experienced. It's not possible. The experience could be from real everyday life, or it could be taken from a dream. A person wouldn't write about something if it didn't effect them in some way.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Universal Shakespeare
Other movies based off of plays by Shakespeare:
Scotland, PA=Macbeth
Chimes at Midnight= The Merry Wives of Windsor
Get Over It= Midsummer's Night Dream
By creating movies based off of Shakespeare's plays, the writers have made them universal. The writers have broadened the audience of the plays. By putting some reference in the movies about Shakespeare, they have dropped a big hint.
If someone was just to watch the movies without reading the plays before, they wouldn't be able to make the connection. That's what happened to me with "O."
Scotland, PA=Macbeth
Chimes at Midnight= The Merry Wives of Windsor
Get Over It= Midsummer's Night Dream
By creating movies based off of Shakespeare's plays, the writers have made them universal. The writers have broadened the audience of the plays. By putting some reference in the movies about Shakespeare, they have dropped a big hint.
If someone was just to watch the movies without reading the plays before, they wouldn't be able to make the connection. That's what happened to me with "O."
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